The Official State Gazette Agency is a public body, which comes under the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Parliamentary Relations, with public legal personality differentiated and with full capacity to operate to fulfil its aims, with its own assets and treasury and full management and functional autonomy within the limits established by the Law on State Agencies and its own Statute.
The Agency develops its activity around three strategic objectives:
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The functions of the Agency are:
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The emergence of printing and its widespread use was key in the boom in information and cultural development.
Compared to manuscripts, which were perishable and open to manipulation, printing allowed for assembly of texts and their serial production, circumstances which were key in the spread of information.
In the last third of the XVII century, there was a huge increase in journalistic literature and, specifically, the birth of many Bulletins or Gazettes, mostly in Europe. These publications came about by private initiative and had a strictly informative function.
Here in Spain, this phenomena manifested itself in 1661with the creation of Gazeta, the first general interest periodical. In 1697 it appears under the title Gaceta de Madrid. During the reign of Charles III , in 1762, the Crown assumes the privilege of printing the Gazeta. The publication becomes an official information media that reflects the criteria and decisions of the Government. In 1787 the Imprenta Real (Royal Printworks) is created.
During the period 1808-1814 several gacetas in different areas are produced.
Subsequently, in 1836, the Decrees, Orders and Instructions dictated by the Government are considered obligatory from the moment they are published in the Gazeta. It was in this way that it became a body for legislative and regulatory expression, which remains the case to this day.
The structure of the Gazeta is established in 1886 for the purpose of publishing only documents of general interest (Laws, Decrees, Court Sentences, contracts with the Public Administration, official announcements, etc.). The order of preference in the publication of provisions according to urgency criteria and the priority of insertion of documents is also regulated: First come Laws, Royal Decrees, Royal Orders, etc. Within each section, the order of insertion must also follow the order of seniority of the Ministries, with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers first. This structure is profiled by a Royal Order of 6 June 1909.
During the Civil War, the Burgos Government used the designation Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State Gazette) to distinguish it from the Gaceta de la República (Gazette of the Republic). The designation Official State Gazette was maintained from October of 1936 to 1961. From this date until 1986, it was named the Boletín Oficial del Estado - Gaceta de Madrid (Official State Gazette - Gazette of Madrid) and from 1986 was renamed Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State Gazette).
Subsequent regulations in 1948, 1957, 1960 and 1986 have developed the function of the Official State Gazette.
Royal Decree 1495/2007, of 12 November, creates the Official State Gazette Agency and approves its statute, and Royal Decree 181/2008, of 8 February, on the Ordering of the Official State Gazette, regulates its electronic publication.
The Manoteras office is home to the Imprenta Nacional (National Printworks) and most of the management services of the Agency:
Opening hours:
The Trafalgar office is home to the Bookshop:
Bookshop: Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 20:00
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La Librería del BOE cuenta con la Tienda del BOE en Internet en la que se pueden hacer pedidos todos los días del año, durante las 24 horas.
This service facilitates any general information related to the Agency and services it provides.
In accordance with the Statute of the Official State Gazette Agency, approved by Royal Decree 1495/2007, of 12 November, the Agency publishes the following documents:
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Mediante Resolución de 18 de marzo de 2024, de la Subsecretaría del Ministerio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con la Cortes (BOE n° 81 de 2 de abril de 2024) ha sido aprobada la Carta de Servicios de la Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado 2024-2027.
La Carta de servicios es el documento a través del cual la Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado informa a la ciudadanía de los servicios que tiene encomendados, de los derechos que les asisten y donde manifiesta públicamente los compromisos de calidad que asume en su prestación.
La finalidad de las cartas es desarrollar el principio de servicio efectivo a los ciudadanos que debe orientar la actuación de las Administraciones Públicas, enunciado en el artículo 3 de la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público.
The Official State Gazette Agency is the Body responsible for developing the public policy on State regulatory publication. To efficiently fulfil and in the manner legally provided for, the public service publication of regulations and those other provisions or laws that the legal order considers must be published in the Official State Gazette and the Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry and to ensure maximum dissemination of legislation, offering unique, accessible, free and quality services that attend to the specific legal information needs of citizens, professionals, companies and others.
The Agency has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, the scope of which extends to the following products/services:
For the purpose of maintaining this Quality Management Systems (QMS), the Management of the Body is committed, within the scope of the certification to:
To deliver on these commitments, the Management of the AEBOE will establish and document realistic and quantifiable objectives on an annual basis. The Quality Policy will be reviewed annually by the Quality Committee to ensure that the content is in force, is in line with the values of the organisation and coherent with the functional strategy of the AEBOE, as well as citizens’ expectations.
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La práctica "Códigos electrónicos COVID-19" ha recibido el Premio Ciudadanía, XV edición, convocado en el año 2022. Este premio se destina a reconocer la calidad e impacto en la ciudadanía de iniciativas singulares de mejora en los sistemas de relación con los ciudadanos o que reviertan en una mayor transparencia, participación, rendición de cuentas o integridad en la provisión de los servicios públicos. (Orden HFP/779/2022, de 28 de julio).
The Official State Gazette Agency was awarded the “Premio TIC Administración General del Estado 2015" granted by Fundación SOCINFO. The award recognises the role of the Agency in its commitment to the Information Society
The “Integrated Legislative Dissemination System” received second prize in the Premio Ciudadanía 2014. This honour recognises innovative practices in the provision of products or services and systems relating to citizens or users of public services. (Order HAP/1258/2015, of 18 June)
The Professional Association of Higher Bodies of Information Systems and Technologies of the Public Administrations grants the Premio ASTIC 2013 to the Official State Gazette Agency for its strategic commitment to Information and Communication Technologies.
The Premios TAW for web accessibility are an initiative of the Fundación CTIC (Centre of Information and Communication Technology) to prevent access barriers to information through the Internet and electronic media. The initials TAW stand for Test de Accesibilidad Web (Web Accessibility Test), a tool developed by the Fundación CTIC to analyse websites.
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State Agency Official State Gazette
Avda. de Manoteras, 54 - 28050 Madrid